Job Summary
TheProgram Assistant supports the daily operations of Phoenix Centre and ensuresthat operational quality and licensing standards are always maintained.
Worksto ensure a safe, well maintained, and healthy environment.
The Phoenix Society is a multi-service agency located in the LowerMainland of British Columbia dedicated to providing accessible services andopportunities to people who face barriers related to addiction, mental health,housing, education, criminal justice involvement and / or employment.
Work Performed
Client Services
- Monitor and assess residentbehaviours and client movement in and out of the building
- Monitor curfews of residentsreturning to the Centre and Supportive Housing Programs
- Observe and accurately documentresident behaviour utilizing concrete, factual descriptions
- Report behaviours to supervisorystaff that poses a risk to the resident, other residents, staff and / or thecommunity
- Engage with residents and ensuresafety and expectations of the program agreement are being met
- Support the preparation,implementation, and follow-up of all programming
- Act as a positive role modelfor all residents. Promote effective social and interpersonal skills throughtasks of healthy daily living and social activities
- Contribute to maintaining atherapeutic environment to encourage awareness of inter-dependence of communitymembers, and the value of responsible concern for self and others
- Required to debrief withincoming shifts to ensure detailed transfer of information (e.g. concerns)
- Support a safe, well maintainedand healthy building environment
- Complete regular rounds offacility as scheduled throughout shifts
- Other related duties as assigned
- Post-secondary diploma (e.g.,2 to 3 years) Preference given to those with a degree in a relevant disciplinesuch as addiction treatment, or equivalent
- 1 to 3 years of experience workingwith marginalized populations, substance use services, mental health,corrections, etc., or equivalent
- Satisfactorycompletion of a criminal records check with vulnerable sector screening isrequired
- Satisfactory completion of Tuberculosis Screening form is required
- Satisfactorycompletion of Employee Immunization Record form is required
- First Aid 1 and Current CPRcertificate is required
Skills &Knowledge
- Knowledge of Windows,Microsoft Word, Excel, and database management systems
- Knowledge of and ability tooperate standard office equipment, including : telephone system, fax machine,photocopier, printer, and computerized building security monitoring system
- High level of integrity anddependability with a strong sense of urgency and results-orientation
- Strong problem solving,analytical, and creative skills with the ability to exercise sound judgementand make decisions based on accurate and timely analysis
- Strong interpersonal skillsand ability to communicate effectively
- Demonstrated commitment tothe social sector with a passion for the organization’s mission is essential
Approach to Work
- Demonstrates initiative,flexibility, adaptability and resourcefulness
- Actively seeks and incorporatesfeedback to inform continuous self-improvement
- Sets goals, creates and implementsaction plans, monitors progress, and evaluates results
- Adeptly manages competing tasksand uses time efficiently and effectively
Job Knowledge & Quality ofWork
- High degreeof relevant and current job knowledge and skill
- Consistentlyproduces accurate, thorough, high-quality work in a timely manner
- Buildsand promotes a culture of health and safety in the workplace
- Implementsand enforces best practices in health and safety within the workplace
Judgement & Decision-Making
- Modelsindependent thinking and creativity
- Demonstrateseffective problem-solving skills
- Makesclear, consistent, transparent and timely decisions after contemplating variousavailable courses of action
- Exercisessound judgment in the best interests of the organization