

Offer parameters
EBC Inc.
$87.4K-$109.2K a year (estimated)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Woke Type



EBC is searching forfulltime Planners to further meet its needs in a growthcontext.

Forall stages of the projects the Planner is responsible for planningand deadlines in procurement building construction site directivesprocess equipment facilities commissioning andvalidation.


  • carryout overall and detailed project planning using MS Project and / orPrimavera;
  • identifythe project s criticalpath;
  • overseeproject deadlines and provide them to all teamsinvolved;
  • establishcash flowcurves;
  • coordinateplanning activities with other teammembers;
  • ensurecompliance with project managementguidelines;
  • integrateall pertinent information allowing a detailed followup of each stepof theproject;
  • ona weekly basis or when required generate progress reports andperformanceindicators;
  • followupon planned versus actualactivities;
  • ensureinformation is shared amongst all concerned (deadlines criticalpath time differentials data analysis and impact ondelivery);
  • detailplanning activities in the project s monthly progressreport;
  • attendplanning meetings and if necessary sitemeetings.



  • bachelors degree or technical degree in Civil Engineering ConstructionEngineering orArchitecture;
  • extensiveknowledge of MS Project and / or Primavera P6software;
  • previousPlanner work experience on at least one majorproject;
  • knowledgeof Constructionindustry;
  • riskmanagement training (anasset);
  • bilingualism(an asset).

Skillsand attitudesrequired

  • responsible;
  • assiduous;
  • methodical;
  • organizedandstructured;
  • rigorousandAnalytical;
  • excellentteamworkskills;
  • workswell underpressure;
  • flexibilityin workschedule.


Conditionsoffered byEBC

  • acompetitivesalary;
  • 4weeksvacation peryear;
  • acomprehensive group insurance program upon hiring (health &dental plan paid byemployer);
  • agroup RRSP program with employer contribution to aDPSP;
  • anemployee assistanceprogram;
  • anactive socialclub;
  • afriendly and stimulating workenvironment;
  • largescaleprojects;
  • companyawarded Best Managed Companies inCanada.
  • Professional background in communication, marketing, or relateddisciplines; 3-5 years of relevant work experience; Excellentcapacity for analysis and synthesis;
  • Great autonomy and attentionto detail; Demonstrate initiative, rigour, integrity, anddiscretion; Advanced proficiency in English language communicationskills, both written and oral;
  • Demonstrate strong time managementand planning skills and excel in a deadline-driven environment;Develop the ability to tell stories : stories about clients,projects, people and EBC, and incorporate these stories intowritten narratives and supporting graphics within proposals thataddress the unique needs of each client;
  • Strong skillsorganizational skills, and a good ability to effectively prioritizetasks and work on several of them simultaneously;
  • Skills inproofreading, good judgment, and ability to solve problems;Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Outlook,Excel, and Teams);
  • Intermediate knowledge of the Adobe suite(InDesign, Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator); Adaptability andflexibility in terms of working hours;

Ability to work underpressure to meet delivery dates.