PhD position: Dopaminergic control of locomotor circuits

PhD position: Dopaminergic control of locomotor circuits

Offer parameters
Université de Sherbrooke
$47,64 an hour (estimated)
Sherbrooke, Canada

Woke Type



Topic description

The locomotor role of dopaminergic cells is classically attributed to their ascending projections to the basal ganglia that project to brainstem locomotor circuits.

However, descending projections to brainstem locomotor circuits were uncovered (Ryczko et al. PNAS , PNAS , J Neurosci , J Neurosci ).

In lamprey, this descending pathway increases locomotor activity. In mammals, the role of such innervation remains to be determined.

The student will address this issue in mice using in vivo optogenetics, fiber photometry, movement analysis, patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging, and viral tracing.

The new knowledge will provide a better understanding of the relation between dopaminergic and locomotor neurons and help identify new clinical strategies to improve locomotor function in Parkinson’s disease.

Starting date


Funding category

Public / private mixed funding

Funding further details

Canadian Institute for Health Research