Bathing / Shampooing
Pet clipping and styling : Full coat styling including clippinghandscissoring handstrippingetc.
Clean and disinfect cages pens aquariums kennels runs stall andenclosures including work area andtools
Keep records of animalstreated
Lift / carry dogs into bathing tub and onto groomingtable
Provide customerservice
Salary : From$19.00 per hour 3040 hours perweek.
Importantinformation :
Flexibilityin schedule is required. The candidate will work 5 days a weekincluding weekends from 09 : 00 am to 04 : 00 pm.
Gratuities.Transportations costs are covered by the employer if the workerneeds torelocate.
Education : Completion of High School is required. Experience : Aminimum of 3 years of experience in the area is required.
If thecandidate does not have the experience, training courses in animalhandling, grooming or dog training is required. Valid Groomingcertification is a strong asset.
Knowledge of breed standards cutsis an asset. Work conditions and physical capabilities : Attentionto detail, Physically demanding, Handling heavy loads, Standing forextended periods, Fast-paced environment.
Personal Suitability : Client focus, Judgement, Team Player, Organized. Work siteenvironment : Pet grooming shop, Pet shop.
Type of pets groomed : Allbreeds of dogs, cats. Weight handling : Up to 45 kg (100 lbs)Language : Advanced English is required.
Important information : Flexibility in schedule is required. The candidate will work 5 daysa week, including weekends, from 09 : 00 am to 04 : 00pm.