Personal Growth and Mindset Coach

Personal Growth and Mindset Coach

Offer parameters
Creating Brighter Futures
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Woke Type




Are you a driven individualwith a passion for personal growth and leadership development Joinus as we revolutionize the online space as a Personal Growth andMindset Coach.

Were SeekingIndividuals Who :

  • Areselfstarters with ambitious financialgoals
  • Have a forwardthinkingmindset
  • Desire to elevate their professionalsuccess in an entrepreneurial capacity.
  • Have aminimum of 1215 hours per week to dedicate to a newventure.

As a candidate youll bedriven to achieve new heights of success eager to pursue advancedtraining and development opportunities.

Demonstrating a proventrack record of success youll thrive in your own venture enjoyingthe benefits of our supportiveenvironment.

AboutUs :

Were a renowned global leader in theLeadership and Personal Development sector spanning over 15 yearsoffering in demand life improvement & leadershipprograms.

Join us in a role combining market strategycandidate sourcing and leadership. As part of our team youll usemarketing strategies conduct interviews nurture clientrelationships and lead your team tosuccess.

Responsibilities :

  • Executedaily marketing strategies across online platforms (trainingprovided.)
  • Master our marketing andcommunication systems through personalizedcoaching.
  • Conduct initial applicant interviewsvia phone or Zoom.
  • Develop relationships withpotential clients fostering longtermconnections.
  • Lead coach and mentor your team byexample.
  • Provide support and guidance to helpteam members achieve their goals.
  • Participatein ongoing training for professionaldevelopment.
  • Take full ownership of yourperformance as you work remotely andindependently.

Skills :

  • Demonstrateselfdiscipline and motivation for independentwork.
  • Exhibit problemsolvingabilities.
  • Possess strong communicationskills.
  • Show proficiency in basic computerskills or a willingness to learn.
  • Thinkcreatively.
  • Dedicate a minimum of 1215 hoursper week to seeking new opportunities.
  • Embracepositivity and a commitment to personalgrowth.
  • Maintain focus and a goalorientedmindset.
  • Prefer flexible remote workarrangements.

Benefits :

  • Receiveongoing training and support.
  • Work with just alaptop internet and phone no cold callingnecessary.
  • Enjoy the flexibility of parttime orfulltime hours and connect globally.
  • Experiencepersonal fulfillment and financialrewards.
  • Shape your schedule andfuture.
  • Join a global team with outstandingpersonal development resources.
  • Utilize aproven system and custom businesstools.

If this resonates with youreach out and well connect.