Job Overview
Darlington Nuclear has a mature Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) program, employing the CHECWORKSTM code software to analyze and predict pipe wall thinning rates due to FAC.
- Provide Technical support for the Pipe Wall Thinning Program (FAC and MIC)
- Identify FAC and MIC outage (replacement and / or inspections) scope.
- Identify MIC IOP scope (repair, replacement and / or inspections).
- Track online / outage inspection scope activities. FAC and MIC.
- Assist with the review, verification, and dispositioning of online / outage inspection results. This involves corrosion rate calculations.
System Responsible E discussions. Design Engineering dispositions Station Condition Record Corrective Action Plan (SCR CAP).
- Model additional piping as required and Update the Susceptibility Analysis document.
- Perform Pass-2 analysis following outages to identify critical locations for subsequent outage inspections.
- Update CheckworksTM unit chemistry analysis for outage inspections.
- Provide guidance to AIM inspection staff when required as well as Civil Maintenance and Work Control.
- Assist Plant Design dispositioning low wall thicknesses below critical value for High and Low Energy piping.
- U) Review Plant Design disposition reports.
k) Disposition related OPEX at Darlington and Provide technical expertise as required.
I) Assist with providing adequate outage coverage with our client’s staff.
- The Proponent must be able to liaise with outage and AIM personnel (AIM is OPG internal inspection department).
- Help prepare post outage reports for High and Low Energy Piping Inspection Campaign.
- Support MIC IOP inspections.
- Prepare PWT Program Health Report for FAC and MIC.
- Prepare MIC IOP inspection report.
- Prepare yearly MIC Visual Inspection Reports at DNGS under AR
- Perform online walkdowns as required.
- Update Susceptability Analysis.
- Provide general technical support related to Darlington Nuclear Pipe Wall Thinning program and provide support dispositioning OPEX, addressing AR’s.
Also, support will be required to : Support during audits.Review and verification of future outage scopes (Scope Review Board advocation with Scope Change Form and risk ranking)Prepare or review outage reports.
Vacation coverage when required.General expert advice / mentoring.CHECWORKSTM software support.
- Participate in Peer team Review meetings on behalf of Darlington (Based on an Annual quarterly frequency).
- Participate in SWAP or COG working group meetings (USA or Canada).
- Update DNGS Unit 1,2,3 & 4 FAC and MIC Susceptibility, System and Global Analyses documents (when required based on a 5- year frequency)
- Perform and document engineering evaluations of any negative time-to-Teri! remaining on Units 1,2,3 & 4 following completion of outage campaigns.
- Support DNGS Assessment PWT related scope.
- Support Review Technical Basis and Review Inspection History.
- Support on demand emergency review documents.
- Apply OPEX and outage lessons learned to DNGS PWT Program assessment.
- The proponent to complete OPG PWT CBTs training.
- Perform Industry driven Self Assessments as required for FAC / MIC.
- Yearly Presentation to Senior Management at Plant Health on Program Status (MIC Health Report).
- Perform other duties as required.
- Prepare future years inspection campaigns (e.g., 2026 Inspection Campaign was prepared in November 2023) to align with Cycle Plan Work Control procedures (it varies every year).
- Raise Station Condition Record and pipe inspection / replacement Work Requests as required.
- Write AIOT (Asset Investment Options Template) for potential future projects
Qualifications :
- Candidates must be qualified to employ CHECWORKSTM software for the analysis of inspection results.
- Must have performed pipe wall thinning analyses using CHECWORKSTM software for at least two consecutive inspection campaigns at a power utility and possess at least 10-years FAC analytical experience as a recognized industry expert in FAC.
- Must have a thorough knowledge of Darlington NGS systems and components including historical problem areas.
- Must be able to provide training in modeling of systems using CHECWORKSTM software.
- Must use, but not limited to, our Client’s QA program, AS9, Outage and Online Work Control processes to complete the work.
- Must be capable of obtaining Nuclear Security clearance for the Darlington site.
- Must be capable of being Orange-2 Radiation Protection qualified at Darlington.
- Must be capable of meeting and sustaining our client’s qualification in Pipe Wall Thinning as well as other engineering qualifications required conduct engineering duties at the station