

Offer parameters
Charles MacPherson ociates
$30 an hour (estimated)
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Woke Type



PositionOverview :

Seeking anexperienced Housekeeper for a formal residence located in Oakvillewith weekly coverage of a Toronto residence.

The successfulapplicant will be responsible for ensuring the overall cleanlinessand organization of the residence. Rooms to be cleaned alternate each day.

This position is fulltime liveout. Monday Friday 9am 5pm with someflexibility required to work the occasional evening or weekend withnotice.

CandidateProfile :

You are anexperienced and knowledgeable housekeeping professional withexcellent housekeeping and laundry skills who enjoys keeping aclean and organized home.

You know how to handle and care forhighend finishes furnishings and lighting. You communicate well andare comfortable working independently and within a team.

Youunderstand a home is a living environment not just a workplace andcan easily adjust your daily schedule to accommodate activities inthe residence.

PrimaryResponsibilities :

  • Dailyhousekeeping to include making beds dusting vacuuming kitchen andbathroom cleaning washingfloors
  • Careof fine furnishings fixtures fabrics finishes andsurfaces
  • Inventorymanagement of the residence including cleaning products andtoiletries in conjunction with the HouseManager
  • Regularlaundry andironing
  • Trashand recyclingmanagement
  • Basicmeal preparation andcooking
  • Weeklyclean of the pool house and patio furniture during the summermonths
  • Wardrobemanagement packing andunpacking
  • Ensurehousehold security protocols arefollowed
  • Answeringthe door receivepackages
  • Sortand dispose of recycling compost and garbagecorrectly

ApplicantQualities :

  • ExcellentEnglish communication skills and professional personalpresentation
  • Detailoriented
  • Mustbe comfortable lifting 30pounds
  • FullOntario driver s license is anasset
  • Excellenthousekeeping laundry and ironing skills; correct use of productsand methods for fine finishes andsurfaces
  • Mustmaintain privacy and confidentiality always exercising diplomacydiscretion and respecting appropriateboundaries
  • Mustbe legally entitled to work inCanada

Cooking, driving, housekeeping