Benefits :
Group Exercise Instructors, Personal Trainers, Fitness Coaches
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
Are you a dynamic, high energy fitness professional who is passionate about changing lives? Are you driven by helping others achieve and maintain their fitness goals?
Do you love the color orange? Orangetheory Fitness is looking for you!
Orangetheory Fitness ( OTF ), has over 1200 studios worldwide and is looking to add you to our team in Grande Prairie Alberta,! A Fitness Coach at Grande the Prairie location guides up to 28 people in a 1-hour full-body workout that is technology tracked and coach led.
That is where you come in! We are located at Westgate Drive. See further details about the requirements below!
What is a FITNESS COACH responsible for?
As an OTF Fitness Coach, you will be responsible for delivering scientifically predesigned workouts for up to 28 clients per session, using 5-zone heart rate training.
This position requires a strong ability to coach and motivate multiple members at different fitness levels in a group setting.
An OTF Fitness Coach must have a strong understanding of fitness theories including endurance, strength, and power. You will utilize the tools provided by OTF to optimize the member’s experience and results.
Our coaches are not on a stage leading a class, they are hands-on, working with members as they move through the class.
What does a FITNESS COACH do?
What do I need to be successful in this role?
License :
AT LEAST ONE REQUIRED) ACE - Group Fitness Instructor OR Personal Trainer
characteristics, disability or any other status protected by the laws or regulations in the locations where we operate.
OTF Canada Inc ( OTFC ) is a distinct and different organization from its franchisees. Each Orangetheory Fitness® franchised location is independently owned and operated by an independent franchisee.
OTFC plays no role in any recruitment, employment, or hiring decisions made by a franchisee. Employees at a franchise location are solely and exclusively employed by the Franchisee and are not employees of OTFC.
OTFC provides this platform which enables applicants to apply to different franchised locations. This service is provided solely for the convenience of potential applicants and as a service to franchisees.
OTFC is not involved in any hiring or employment-related decisions for franchise locations and OTFC is unable confirm the availability or accuracy of posted franchisee job openings.
In using this service, you acknowledge that OTFC takes makes no representations as to the accuracy or existence of job postings made by franchisees and acknowledge that all discussions and decisions relating to employment shall be exclusively between you and the franchisee.
OTF Canada Inc ( OTFC ) est une entreprise distincte et différente de ses franchisés. Chaque établissement franchisé Orangetheory FitnessMD est détenu et exploité par un franchisé indépendant.
OTFC ne joue aucun rôle dans les décisions en matière de recrutement, d’emploi ou d’embauche prises par un franchisé. Les employés d’un établissement franchisé sont uniquement et exclusivement employés par le franchisé et ne sont pas des employés d’OTFC.
OTFC fournit cette plateforme qui permet aux candidats de poser leur candidature pour différents établissements franchisés.
Ce service est uniquement offert pour faciliter les démarches des candidats potentiels et en tant que service aux franchisés.
OTFC ne participe pas aux décisions relatives à l’embauche ni à l’emploi dans les établissements franchisés et ne peut confirmer la disponibilité ni l’exactitude des offres d’emploi affichées par les franchisés.
En utilisant ce service, vous reconnaissez qu’OTFC ne fait aucune déclaration quant à l’exactitude ou à l’existence des offres d’emploi faites par les franchisés et vous reconnaissez que toutes les discussions et décisions relatives à l’emploi seront exclusivement entre vous et le franchisé.