Front Desk ClerkReceptionist

Front Desk ClerkReceptionist

Offer parameters
Domus Building Cleaning Company Ltd.
$19,78 an hour (estimated)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Woke Type




FrontDesk Clerk / Receptionist


Fulltime Monday toFriday


$ / Year


Location : Gloucester


LanguageRequirements :

Mustbe able to speak read and write in English andFrench

EmployerName and Contact Information / Nom de l employeur et coordonn es :

DomusBuilding Cleaning CoLTD.

1366Triole St.Ottawa

PositionSummary / R sum duposte :

Sinceit was established in 1965 Domus has grown to become one of themost respected cleaning companies in Ottawa with a particular focuson professionalism quality accountability and transparency.

In 2020Domus became a division of Alpine Building Maintenance whichprovides maintenance services all across Canada.

JobDescription : JobOverview :

JobOverview :

Domusis seeking a talented Front Desk / Administration Clerk for their office located in Ottawa Ontario. Thesuccessful candidate will be responsible for the smooth running andsupporting of administrative tasks in the office.

These tasksinclude keeping the office organized directing phone calls andemails appropriately filing and completing basic bookkeeping tasksas required.

CompetitiveSalary starting at $43k48k depending on level ofexperience.

Benefits :

  • Medicaland dentalinsurance
  • 3weeks paidvacation
  • 5paid personaldays

DutiesandResponsibilities :

  • Maintaininventory of office supplies order supplies as required and arrangefor servicing of officeequipment
  • Performclerical duties such as maintaining filing and recordsystems
  • Respondto telephone greetvisitors
  • AssistAccounts Receivable / Payable Coordinator with accounting relatedtasks such as processing vouchers for payment entering invoices inthe accounting system matching invoices with purchase ordersetc.
  • Assistwith managing inventory control of uniforms and warehousesupplies
  • Performother duties asassigned

RequiredSkills / Abilities :

  • Beeligible for a Reliability SecurityClearance
  • Havegood knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel WordOutlook)
  • Beable to work under pressure and meetdeadlines
  • Effectiveattention to detail and a high degree ofaccuracy
  • Highlevel of integrity confidentially andaccountability
  • Strongwork ethic and positive teamattitude
  • Experiencein accounts payable / accounts receivable and understanding ofgeneral bookkeeping an asset but notrequired
  • Strongcommunicationskills
  • Bilingualism(English &French)
  • Strongcommunicationskills

WorkingConditions :

Thisrole requires work onsite at the company Head Office in OttawaOntario. This position generally works Monday to Friday 8 : 30am to4 : 30pm Easterntime.


SendYour ResumeTo : PhilAdams


Email : PhoneNumber :

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