Education Professionals - Own your Schedule and DiscoverYour Possibility

Education Professionals - Own your Schedule and DiscoverYour Possibility

Offer parameters
$125K a year (estimated)
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Woke Type



Youre ready for growth and changeindependence and a newcareer.

Transition your skills to a newindustry Personal Development and live a new pace oflife.

Is This Right forYou

This is anopportunity to be independent lead and to move ahead to where youwant to be while also choosing to work at home or away. With Nomore Commuting.

You can begin bychoosing to work part time or full time it might be that yourewanting a side hustle. It might be that you are in the process of acareer change or moving into semiretirement.

Inthis fully independent role You will have the opportunity to ownyour schedule wherever you have an internet connection.

There isopportunity here to become a digital nomad if thats your goal orwork around your family requirements or your own projects andpassions.

As a growing leader in this businessyoull receive mentorship and training from a supportive globalteam. As you develop into the role youll provide leadership andsupport to your own team offer the opportunity to others of successeducation and personalgrowth.

Who Weare

As a globalorganisation we offer Personal Development and Success Educationcourses and events. These have been developed to assist individualsto reflect on and pay attention to their own thinking and work tobring desired change to their lives.

We are inthe evergrowing Personal Development industry and based in ArizonaUSA. Our longevity has had us pivot and adapt to changes throughoutthe past 20 years and continue to be in growthmode.

To achieve successin this Independent role youwill :

  • Utiliseour methodologies and systems developing your own style as you growinto the role
  • Participate in and contribute toglobal online training sessions
  • Buildrelationships with team members
  • Problem solveseek and implement advice on relevant aspects within the business
  • Create effectivemarketing material to attract prospective leads
  • Be imaginative in finding and using availableplatforms to place advertisements
  • Interviewprospective clients and leads
  • Be comfortableusing computer and smart phone and have internet connection andprepared to learn
  • Invest time into personaldevelopment products resources and materials
  • Adetermination to work independently and be able to manage yourflexible schedule to balance your life
  • Spendan initial minimum of 10 hours weekly in actively working the roleand be prepared to build on this over time

MindsetSkills and Experience WeValue :

  • Amindset for growth and change
  • Be coachable andready to learn new information and skills
  • Professional English communication skills
  • A willingness to be personally accountable foryour own success
  • Take an independentleadership role
  • Have an attitude for personaland group success
  • At least 3 years ofconsistent work experience and not be a recent graduate or currentstudent
  • Stay the distance to create success
  • Be a bold big picture thinker who challengesmediocre

Currentlyaccepting applications from specific locationsonly

This opportunity isavailable in New Zealand Australia CanadaUSA.

Applications will not be accepted from thoseseeking workvisas.

AreYou the Right Person toApply

This isnot a suitable role for students or new graduates and applicationswill not be considered.

By applying youagree to receiving telephone text and emailcommunication.

If youre a results drivenindividual seeking independent contract work Apply for an InterviewNow.