Traditional Learning Academy is a K-12 Catholic school located in Maillardville, Coquitlam. The school offers a structured academic program which provides a setting in which all students are safe, accepted, and respected.
TLA encourages the pursuit of excellence, promotes the fine and performing arts, and fosters sound character development and spiritual growth through learning, loving, and living the Catholic Faith.
The program complies with, and goes beyond, the curriculum requirements of the BC Ministry of Education, and responds to the desires of parents who seek a traditional approach to learning and teaching.
The school offers instruction through a structured, systematic approach which presents skill development in a sequenced manner, and builds upon what is already learned.
Our traditional approach can be described as incorporating the best teaching practices which have proven effective over time, but which also embraces more contemporary techniques in instruction which promote student success.
Learn more about us : www.traditionallearning.com
Traditional Learning Academy is looking for a full time Educational Assistant (1.0 FTE) to work alongside primary aged children living with ASD.
This position would begin on September 5, 2023. The ideal candidate will be able to work collaboratively with the classroom Teacher and Learning Support team.
In addition, willingness to participate in professional learning opportunities and knowledge of supports for students with characteristics of ASD, are considered assets.
Participation in the many extra-curricular activities offered by the school, especially the willingness and ability to coach is important to our mission statement.
Please submit your cover letter, resume, and references to Andrea Smith at [email protected]
Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview.
1. Create your Make a Future profile
2. Complete and add all required application documents to your profile (see below)
3. Complete all profile sections, including : Provincial Certificates, Qualifications, Education, Experience, and Questions
4. Apply to this job posting
For the Catholic Pastoral Reference (for Catholic Applicants) and Non-Catholic Pastoral Reference you must download the appropriate form, provide to your Pastor for signing, and have them submit directly to [email protected]
The Catholic Independent Schools of the Vancouver Archdiocese (the CISVA) operates 46 schools - 40 elementary and 6 high schools.
Our schools are located throughout the Greater Vancouver Area, near the best sites and attractions that Vancouver and British Columbia has to offer.
Our footprint extends over 250 kilometers from Powell River in the west to Chilliwack in the east.
We are a culturally diverse faith-based family . We offer more than a place of work - we provide a call to your teaching vocation where you can work and live your faith in a supportive community.
We are a vibrant school system with many school and program expansion projects in the future. We offer spiritual and professional growth and mentorship opportunities for new teachers to help them with their transition into the CISVA.