

Offer parameters
Virin Maharaj
$19,5 an hour (estimated)
Woodstock, Ontario, Canada

Woke Type




Our company is looking for anindividual with a pleasing personality and excellent road sense tojoin us as a Chauffeur. As a driver and a chauffeur you will beresponsible for driving clients to their desired destination ontime.

You should be well versed in operating various navigationtools to ensure a smooth and pleasant experience for the clients.

You should be comfortable to drive private motorcars or government vehicles. Besides you should be able to maintaina calm composure and hold a polite tone when greeting clients.

Youwill also be responsible for running errands and escorting childrento school and daycare institutes. You will be required to wear asuit or tuxedo on a daily basis.

If you canhandle these duties responsibly and have a valid drivers licensethen apply rightaway.


  • Transportingclients to theirdestinations
  • Ensuring thevehicle is in good condition and the fuel tank adequatelyfilled
  • Helping clients inloading and unloading their baggage
  • Liaising with clients tounderstand their needs and providing them with appropriatesuggestions
  • Adjustingseats and AC temperature to suit the clientsneeds
  • Using navigationtools to find the fastestroute
  • Checking trafficupdates before starting thejourney
  • Abiding by theroad safety standards and trafficrules
  • Regularly cleaningthe car interiors and fixing minor issues
  • Determiningtransportation fares according to location and the total number ofpassengers
  • Undertakingairport pick ups and drop whenneeded
  • Checking weatherreports for a hasslefreejourney
  • Ensuring theclients are comfortable throughout thejourney
  • Arriving at thespecified location ontime


  • Holdinga valid driverslicense
  • Familiarity withGPS tools and Googlemaps
  • Excellent road andtraffic sense
  • Having apleasant and welcomingattitude
  • Wellgroomed andwearing clean / ironedclothes
  • Excellentcommunicationskills
  • Displayingreliability