Bayview Village - English Tutor

Bayview Village - English Tutor

Offer parameters
Tutor Doctor
$20-$50 an hour (estimated)
North York (Bayview Village), Canada

Woke Type



Tutor Doctor the leading educationcompany that’s all about one-to-one, personalized tutoring is hiring EnglishTutors ! Our tutors take the time to understand the way students learn, andadapt their techniques to coincide with their needs.

We want tutors who canbuild relationships with students and help them feel comfortable and cared forduring sessions. Simply put, our tutors are people we’d be happy bringing hometo mom!

The Tutor Doctor Advantage

As a Tutor Doctor tutor, you're more than just a tutor, you're a mentor!Seeing a student achieve their "a-ha moment" is why our tutors loveworking with us.

This is a part-time contract position. Our tutors choose whichstudents to accept and determine their own weekly schedule.

Tutors are matchedto students based on qualifications, subject / grade expertise, availability,personality and location.

  • Our marketing and referral network provide a steady stream of availablestudents.
  • Select your students and tutoring times to fit your ideal schedule.
  • Receive a detailed profile of your student prior to tutoring includingacademic history, current needs and goals.
  • Clients pre-pay directly to Tutor Doctor and our simplified invoicesystem makes getting paid for your work quick, easy, and reliable.
  • Orientation, resources and support readily available to assist tutors asneeded

Position and Duties

If you like what you’re reading so far,we are currently hiring English Tutors ! You are someone who is able toteach English at the high school level.

A key focus area many students strugglewith and our Tutor Doctors jump right in to help with is :

Essay Writing (Intermediate to Advanced)

oPreparing thesis statements, composition, structure, grammar / spelling,creativity, research / citations, and closing statements.

As a Tutor, you can be relied upon to :

  • Travel tostudents' homes (pre-screened)
  • Scheduleconsistent weekly tutoring appointments with students or their parents


We are not looking for a poet laureate,but you should get upset when someone uses their when they meant they’re !As a Tutor Doctor English Tutor, you are someone who has :

  • Proficiency in teaching and reviewing all content related to specificsubjects
  • Graduated from or is currently enrolled in post secondary education (graduatesand undergraduates)
  • Previous teaching / tutoring / mentoring / coaching experience would be great,especially exposure to different learning styles (formal or informal)
  • Access to a vehicle or public transportation

If this sounds like you and are keen onempowering students to do their best, send us your resume!

Successful candidates :

  • Need to have some availability between 4PM-9PM on weeknights and onweekends, as these are generally the times requested by clients
  • Must be open to completing a criminal background check, if not alreadycompleted

We thank all applicants for theirinterest, however due to the volume of applications received, only those whoare selected will be