AST Logistics in St. Catharines is hiring anAdministrative Assistant (Flexible Hours). Fulltime or parttime.Primarily remotework.
- Manageemails and calendars.
- Organize and maintaindocuments.
- Assist with scheduling andcoordination.
- Prepare reports andpresentations.
- Handle data entrytasks.
- Provide general officesupport.
- Highschool diploma or higher.
- Strong communicationskills.
- Basic computerproficiency.
- Attention todetail.
- Good organizationalskills.
- Must live inCanada.
- Flexibleworking hours.
- Remote workoptions.
- Competitivepay.
- Growthopportunities.
- Friendly workenvironment.
- Paidtraining.
Interested in a flexiblerole Apply now to join AST Logistics in St.Catharines!